Our Parents
Active Volunteering
Parents are involved at many levels although everyone signs a commitment when they register to participate in cleaning and bringing hot lunches on a rotational basis. Frequently, they lend additional skills to assist the teachers. Last year, one father built a fence to enclose the quiet area on the playground. Another father cleaned the cistern we depend on for water, and several others saw that the buildings needed touch up painting and they came after work to do it.
Communication is Key
There’s a dedicated WhatsApp stream where parents and teachers communicate daily. The teachers post pictures of the children as they engage in the day’s activities. Families use it to post invites to birthday parties and update the others on events.
We are All on the Same Team
The teachers assign each family to a team. The teams come to the school, often with their children, biweekly to clean the classroom and maintain the grounds by raking, weeding, sweeping and repairing equipment as needed.
Monthly Meetings
Monthly, all parents come together for an evening meeting with the teachers to share updates and discuss any issues. Furthermore, we have one parent representative to the Escuela Advisory Board which is made up of community leaders and residents.